“In the business of affiliate marketing, you’ll oftentimes run across advice that tells you that you do not need a website to be a successful affiliate marketer.
The reason this is so appealing to new affiliate marketers is
There are terms that you’re not familiar with and things you just simply don’t know how to do. And oftentimes it’s easier to just do without rather than have to tackle all of the unknowns by yourself.
This is why it’s so appealing when you find out that you don’t necessarily need a website in order to make a good income online from affiliate marketing. But, while you don’t need a website, you’ll be working a thousand times harder without one.
Let me explain:
With any business, both online and off, the one thing that no business can do without is traffic. Without traffic to your site, you can’t make any money and you’ll end up going broke without it.
And make no mistake, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to get website traffic. Wouldn’t it then make sense to try and retain that traffic that you do get so that you don’t have to start all over from scratch each and every time?
That’s exactly what you do when you work as an affiliate marketer without a website.
You start from square one each and every single day and the little bit of effort it takes to learn how to create a website of your own far outweighs what you’re giving up by not having one.
When you have your own site you can then offer up something for free in exchange for someones email address. When you have their email address, you can then promote additional products to them in the future by sending them emails that contain products that you believe they’ll be interested in.
A website, especially if you’re an affiliate marketer is one of the most important and indispensable assets you have.
Not only would you use it for the promotion of products but you’d also use that site as a way to establish your credibility in your market.
It’s this credibility that will get people signing up to your email list which, if treated right, will become the largest income producer for you and your business.
To put it another way, let’s consider a scenario. Let’s say that you’re promoting a new product. We’ll call it
Without a website:
You write articles.
You buy PPC traffic.
You comment on blogs.
And all of the links you create in the methods above are, of course, your affiliate links which head directly to
Also great for them because you generated website traffic that they didn’t have to work for (or pay for) so they get free advertising thanks to you. And you, on the other
In other words, this website gets to reap the rewards of your hard work and effort and you likely need to send at least 100 people to this website to even get one sale.
It almost doesn’t seem fair
Now let’s take a look at this same scenario but instead this time, you have your own site:
You’d still follow the same premise as above:
Write articles.
Buy PPC traffic.
Comment on blogs.
Post in forums.
But instead, you send people to your site where you offer something for free in exchange for
Now you are getting all of the benefits of your own hard work.
Even if someone who visits your site doesn’t buy right now, they may buy at some time in the future.
But this time, instead of giving these visitors away to the product owner you are building a list of your own that will likely pay you over and over again.
Your future income will likely exponentially increase just because you have a mailing list of your own and you created a website where YOU get to retain all of the traffic that you worked so hard at getting in the first place.
After all, you wouldn’t head out and work for someone else for free
I know that at