How To Make Money From Blogging

I am going to show you how I make money from blogging. 

It’s not difficult, it just takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

You’re going to need patience as well because blogging is an investment for the future.

If you want to see results then you have got to keep at it!

Blogging is one of those things that can be very rewarding if done right but also difficult if done wrong.

This guide will help teach you everything you need in order for your blog post writing to be successful!

Table of Contents

Blogging is a great way to make money.

Blogging is one of the best ways to earn money online that I know of.  

Making money from blogging can be done but you have got to have patience and be willing to put in some hard work.

I’ve been making money blogging for over three years now and it’s still an income stream that I’m actively working on.

It takes time, effort and patience to build a good blog into one that people read on a regular basis in order to make money online from it.

If you’re new to blogging then it might take a little while before you see the money rolling in, but if you stick with your blog and are consistent with updating it regularly then your readership will grow and so will the money coming in.

About two years ago I had ten thousand visitors or more on my site every single month.

That’s when I started seeing a decent amount of income rolling in.

It was from January to December (which is the entire year) that my blog was getting ten thousand visitors per month so it took about six months in order for me to start seeing a substantial amount of money coming from blogging.  

With that being said, it’s important to have patience with your blog.

Make sure you put in the hard work and effort and stick with it because it will pay off.

I promise!

You can monetize your blog with ads, affiliate marketing, or sponsored posts.

Google Adsense.

Put google adsense ads on your blog.

They’re easy to put up and are pretty much guaranteed revenue for each day that you have the ad on your site.

You’re going to get paid based on how many clicks you receive from the ad.

This means there is no minimum payout and you will get paid for each click just like Google Adwords.

Google Adsense is one of the best ways to monetize your blog that I know of because it’s free, easy to setup and has a lot of ad choices.

You can also choose where on your page you want to place your ads by using the Adsense WordPress plugin.

This helps keep your blog simple and easy to navigate.

If you’re looking for a way to make money from blogging then I recommend using Google Adsense.

It’s free, really easy to setup, has high payouts and the ads don’t distract readers because they are usually small banners at the top or side of the blog.

Google Adsense is the best way to monetize your blog for beginners and experienced bloggers.

Once a month I recommend checking out what ads are being shown on your site because it might have been switched to something that you don’t necessarily want.

It’s easy to switch back over though with each new month.

Direct Ads.

You can also choose to put direct ads on your site.

I’ve done this a few times in the past just for fun and it works if you have strong traffic coming in from other sites.

If you get ten thousand visitors per month then it’s worth trying out but I wouldn’t recommend going this route if you have under ten thousand page views per month.

You can use CPM, CPC, or a flat rate which all vary in cost and advertising space on your site.

They are usually pretty easy to setup but it’s important that you read the fine print so that you know how much money you can potentially make from them.

Affiliate marketing.

If you take the time to learn how affiliate marketing works then it can also be a great way to make money from blogging.  

What’s great about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to do nearly as much work in order to make money from it because it isn’t dependent on your site traffic.

You can make money from affiliate marketing by promoting products through banners or text links on your blog.

The sales that you generate are tracked back to the company and then paid per click/sale.  

I’ve personally made a lot of money using Amazon affiliate marketing but I also use other companies like ShareASale, eBay Ads, Clickbank.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you’ll want to sign up with as many companies as possible in order to diversify your income streams.  

You can make money from blogging by offering services and products on your blog for a price.

A lot of bloggers have been doing this lately because people are sick of ads and popups so they are willing to pay for content.  

This is a great way to make money from blogging but it’s also very difficult in my opinion because you’re going to have to invest quite a bit of time and effort into making your product or service the best that it can be.

If you offer services and products then I recommend starting out with something small just to get your feet wet and test out your products.  

The majority of my revenue comes from affiliate marketing but I have also built a small brand around offering services via this site so it is very possible to do both.


You can make money from blogging by getting sponsors for certain posts.

I recommend working with companies that offer affiliate marketing for bloggers because you’ll make a commission on every sale that they bring in.  

I wouldn’t recommend getting sponsors for all of your posts because then you will be selling out and it hurts the trust with your readers when you water down your content with ads .

For sponsored posts

I like to work with companies that I already trust and use which are usually tech related.

You can also make money from blogging by including ads or sponsored posts in your email signature.

This might be a good way to make some extra cash depending on how many emails you send out per month.

If you take the time to learn how affiliate marketing works then it can also be a great way to make money from blogging.  

What’s great about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to do nearly as much work in order to make money from it because it isn’t dependent on your blog traffic.

You can make money from blogging by offering services and products on your site for a price.

A lot of bloggers have been doing this lately because people are sick of ads and pop-ups so they are willing to pay for content .

This is a great way to make money from blogging but it’s also very difficult in my opinion because you’re going to have to invest quite a bit of time and effort into making your product or service the best that it can be.

If you offer services and products then I recommend starting out with something small just to get your feet wet and test out your products.

The majority of my revenue comes from affiliate marketing but I have also built a small brand around offering services via this site so it is very possible to do both.

You can also earn money by selling products on your website.

like in an Amazon Affiliate Store.

In order to set up your own Amazon store, you’ll need to follow the directions given when you sign up as an affiliate.

If you already have a product that’s being sold on the site then all you need to do is invite people to it by sending out affiliate links.

You can also earn money by selling products on your website.

If you post quality content and engage with readers, they will be more likely to buy the things you’re promoting.

If you’re having a hard time getting people to buy the products then I recommend making your blog more helpful and adding some tutorial videos.

One of my favorite things to do is write a product review, especially if I’m really excited about it.

It gives me an opportunity to talk about how much I love or hate something and any problems that I’ve run into with it.

The best blogs are those that offer an honest opinion of their experiences in order to help others learn from them.

Honest opinion of their experiences in order to help others learn from them.

When I first started out, my blog was very focused on finding the best computers and parts for a good price.  

I’ve since shifted my focus to writing about things that are more helpful to people, such as why you should buy refurbished laptops and configuring your computer for productivity .

This has helped me grow my blog because I now have a community of people that come to me for product recommendations and help.

I’ve learned through experience that the best blogs are those that offer an honest opinion of their experiences in order to help others learn from them.

Your readers will appreciate you more when they know that you’re not recommending products just for the commission.

I think this will help you to stretch your income out further and it’s also better for the long run because you’re establishing a community of people that will come back on a regular basis to check out new content.  

This means that any ads or affiliate links that you put up are more likely to convert into sales or clicks because they know that you’re not going to sell them out.

I’ve made a couple of thousand dollars from the sale of my products and blog posts, but it’s also given me something more valuable.

I have a lot of resources to help people with their computers and a community that comes back on a regular basis.

It’s been so much fun to be able to help other people out and it’s also given me a sense of purpose that wasn’t there before.  

It makes every dollar I’ve made worth it in the end.

It’s important to have a strategy for blogging so it doesn’t take over your life and become too time consuming.

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, remember that you don’t have to get started right away because it can be difficult at first.

You’ll want to make sure that you’re ready and willing to commit the money and time in order to make it work for you.

I’ve learned that the best way to approach blogging for money is to do it on a part-time basis.

If you work another job then you can write blog posts in the evening and on weekends.

You can even work with your boss to get some of your hours turned into freelance ones so that you’re able to work from home.

It’s important to have a strategy for blogging so it doesn’t take over your life and become too time consuming.

I’ve also found that there are some tasks that I can outsource, such as editing my posts.

I learned how to format WordPress posts in the beginning, but now I pay someone about $5 an hour on to do it for me.  

You could also pay a friend or family member if you’d prefer not to use the service.

Part-time blogging has really worked well for me.

I’m able to focus on my day job and other hobbies when I’m not working on blog posts, but in the end it all comes together in a really great way.

If you want to start a blog but don’t have the time to do it right now, then here are some things that I’ve done in order to make sure my blog stays active and evolving.

Post Consistently

Most bloggers recommend posting at least once a week because each post is an opportunity for someone else to find your site and come visit.

I’ve found that even if you only post once a month, people will still return to see what you have to say.

I love using word tracking tools because they keep me on track with my posting.

Most of them allow you to set goals for how many times you want to write per week and then they give you an alert when it’s time to post.  

I’ve found that this has really helped me stay on track in order to meet my goals and keep things moving along.

Be Consistent About Your Content

I’ve learned that consistency is more important than quality. There are some bloggers who will write epic posts with tons of pictures and videos and other multimedia, but it takes a lot of time.  I’ve found that posts with just a few paragraphs can be just as valuable in the end because they don’t take as much time to create.


Blogging is a great way to make money and engage with others.

It should be an honest opinion of your experiences in order to help people learn from you as well.

If you have any questions about how we can start or improve our blog for marketing purposes, please let us know!

We’re happy to answer all of your questions and provide professional guidance on the best ways to utilize this powerful tool for business success.

What do you think? Is blogging right for you?

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