Ways For College Students To Make Money Online

As a college student, you know the cost of tuition is rising every year.

Add to that the fact that most people don’t have time for a part-time job on top of their studies and you’re looking at some serious money in debt.

That’s why it’s important to find creative ways to make money online as a college student. 

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Start a blog about your interests.

The beauty of this is that it’s a great way to differentiate yourself and get your work read. 

If you can develop a following on blogging sites like Tumblr, WordPress or Blogger, you can monetize the site through AdSense.

But your blog doesn’t stop at just being a means to make some extra cash.

Instead, it could open up a whole new world and career for you down the line. 

You can also use a blogging site like Tumblr to showcase your work and network with influencers. 

It could lead to you receiving paid guest blogging opportunities from a major publication, which could lead to an article in Forbes or Huffington Post .

If you’re looking for a way to really get your work out there, starting a blog now could be the best thing you’ll ever do. 

Create an online store to sell products you make.

This can be something as simple and inexpensive as an Etsy storefront. 

And this way you’re not just making money online; you’re also creating a business and generating proof of concept for yourself.

It can also be used to connect with other people who have similar interests. 

For example, if you want to showcase your art, you can connect with like-minded artists and create a community that could lead to more opportunities down the line. 

It’s an easy way to build your resume, but if you do it right, it could also lead to future employment opportunities.

Use social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your business.

You can use the social media site’s advertising tools and promote your content across their network. 

This could lead to you getting picked up by other social media sites, which could increase your following. 

It could lead to guest posting opportunities on other people’s websites and from there you might be seen by someone in your industry with a large audience.

We’re all familiar with the likes of Twitter and Instagram, but what about up-and-comers like Buzzfeed and Tumblr?

Both of those sites have huge audiences that are hungry to see unique content, which makes them the perfect platform for you to put your stamp on. 

This could also lead to people reaching out and connecting with you at a future date, which could lead to all kinds of possibilities.

And if you really want to get noticed, there are sites like Snapchat that could also work for you.

You don’t need a website, and you might have even heard that it’s a terrible idea to have one. 

But it doesn’t hurt to set one up anyway, since it’s an easy way to build your online presence. 

It’s also the easiest way to do basic SEO on your site, which could help it rank well in search results.  

Become a freelance writer or editor on the side by submitting articles for publication.

While this isn’t the most exciting option available to you, it can be a steady source of income.

There are several freelancing sites out there that allow you to set your own prices and to get paid for the work that you do. 

You can use this as a means to build up your portfolio and to develop relationships with industry leaders. 

And you’re not just limited to writing articles either, since editing work is also available on these sites. 

If you have good copy editing skills, this could be a great option for you.

You can use it to showcase your work and to meet people in the field. 

For example, if you want to be a photo editor, this is a great way to get your foot in the door. 

Once you’ve gotten some experience and a solid portfolio, you can use it as a way to build your resume and gain experience in the industry.

Start producing online educational content to teach people in your field. 

I know that when I’m shopping online, I love seeing how-to videos and tutorial articles. 

A lot of the time when I’m learning something new, it’s because I’m trying to figure out how to use an app or program. 

Whether it’s Photoshop, WordPress, InDesign, etc., there are tons of tutorial videos out there. 

And if you’re really into learning and helping people, this might be a great option for you to pursue.

Sell items you no longer need off of Craigslist or eBay.

Even if you don’t have much, you probably have a few things around your house that could be sold. 

And I’m not just talking about old electronics that you no longer use. 

There’s a lot of money to be made selling clothing, accessories, and even furniture that you no longer use.

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a good garage sale? 

If you’re not sure what to sell, try checking out the “featured” products section of Craigslist or eBay and see if there are any hot selling items. 

Once you find something that sells well, keep an eye out for it next time you’re at your favorite store. 

Since there’s such a demand for those products, you can find them at just about any store where people shop. 

If you want to make a bit of extra money on the side or even start a business selling items online in bulk, this could be the perfect option.

Offer services such as tutoring, pet sitting, house cleaning services.

There are tons of online platforms that allow you to connect with people and offer your services.

TaskRabbit is perfect for those looking to make some extra money on the side by completing odd jobs. 

It also gives you an opportunity to network and establish relationships with business owners, which could lead to bigger things down the line.

And if you really want to take it up a notch, start offering your services on sites like Fiverr . 

If you’re not familiar with the site, users can offer various services that cost $5. 

There are options available for writers, graphic designers and even video editors. 

This could be an excellent opportunity for those looking to build their portfolio and to establish a strong online presence.

Start your own little business around something that you’re passionate about. 

It doesn’t have to be anything super complicated either, since there are tons of small business ideas available for those who are willing to put in the work.

For example, if you love dogs, offer dog walking services to a few in your neighborhood. 

And if you really want to take it up a notch, start offering grooming services with the products that you already use. 

This is also a great option for those who are looking to do some shopping around and find new products to try out on their dog, cat, etc.

If you have a love for makeup, try offering to do some shopping around and tutorials for friends or coworkers. 

It’s definitely a great way to network and get people talking about your business. 

And if you’re really looking to make a name for yourself, start posting pictures of the products that you’re using on social media. 

Once you have a pretty sizable following, try offering discount codes or free products to followers. 

A lot of makeup companies are willing to give out samples in hopes that people will fall in love with their products and eventually make purchases online. 

There’s also no shame if you don’t want to do something like this.  

Everyone’s got their own hustle and it doesn’t mean that you have to feel pressured into doing something that you don’t really want to do. 

Trust me, I’ve been there myself.  

You’re selling yourself short if you start feeling like you have to take on a service or business just because other people would think it’s the “right move”. 


There are many ways to make money online.

If you want to get started making some extra cash, we recommend starting a blog about your interests and posting on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

You can also create an online store where people can buy products that you’ve made yourself.

Have any tips for how they could be successful with this?

Let us know!

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