Affiliate Marketing 101 – How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Affiliate Links

“How many of you have signed up for great paying affiliate programs and one, two, three months later, haven’t driven the first sale?

You, yes you, the one sitting there reading this holding your hand up and thinking wow, how did he know?, you are the one I am talking to.

I started out with online business five years ago and have seen most that there is to see when it comes to driving clicks, and more importantly, not driving clicks. Some say that it is a piece of cake, that it should be almost instantaneous. If you put the link out on your site, millions will come along and click, and you will make tons of money! Wrong! That is a perfect dream, but that it is all.

In this article, I am going to explain to you the way to get quality traffic to click AND buy the products that you are advertising. And, I am going to tell you how to do it legally (with the FTC’s new rules).

The first and most important thing to remember is this: You have got to get interested traffic. Now, that being said, if you are paying for clicks from the search engines or other sites, you already have interested people clicking your ads and are probably doing okay for yourself.

But, if you are not paying for the traffic or you are still not seeing good conversions and are going broke with that venture (I did that a few years ago), then this is VITAL to your marketing strategy.

You are probably thinking, okay ezaa, how am I supposed to get the traffic? If they clicked on a paid ad and didn’t convert, what could you possibly tell me that is going to impress me?

To put it simple, you need to have quality content on your site or blog. Now, what I mean by quality content is this.

You can’t have feeds from other sites that are constantly updating on your site to get a click through on an affiliate link (Well, you could, but that’s another story). I am not saying that having a feed that updates on your site isn’t a good idea to get traffic to your site but I with my own experimentation, I never even kept the visitors on my site. In fact, most of them clicked away before they even reached my site.

Whenever I speak about your site or blog’s content, I mean you should have well written original material there on your site.

You should write about things that you like or don’t like. Go in detail about why you like or don’t like them. It is okay to include an affiliate link throughout the text of your content, in fact, you will probably see a difference almost immediately afterward.

But this brings us to our next dilemma: How in the world do I get traffic to my site or my blog? Everybody has heard the success stories about how a man pays a few dollars for a website and builds an empire.

This happened more frequently in the late 90’s and early 21st century but it still can and does happen today. But how?

The key is to research the market. You should see what surfers are looking for and write content geared for them. Believe me when I tell you this: There are more people searching for things that you like and know about than you think!

Once you find a few good keywords, write your content using those keywords. Use them within the content enough to let the big three search engines know that the article is written about those keywords.

Go to a few forums or online groups about the subject and point a link back to the page that you have the content written on. NOTE: Do not spam forums or online groups by this! Legitimately answer the forum post and include a link in your signature.

Now that you have done this, you can and will start to see the traffic roll in organically. You may have to play with your affiliate links just a little bit to optimize their placement for clicks but within no time, you will see your affiliate earnings skyrocket through the roof.”

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